Zygenx You can eat either good calories or bad calories, and therefore, it is necessary to educate yourself about what foods are good for muscle building. If you eat a poor diet, you will be unable to build muscle mass. One way to work around muscle groups that are holding you back is "pre-exhausting." For example, when performing rows, you may find that your biceps are worn out long before your lats. You can correct this by doing isolation-type exercises, like straight arm pull-downs that won't overly-stress the biceps. This causes the lats to be exhausted prior and when doing rows, the biceps should not limit you. Not all exercises should be done with larger weights. For instance, split squats, dips and neck work will damage your joints if you add too much weight. Heavy loads are best saved for larger muscle groups, such as those involved in completing presses, rows, and squats. While becoming huge and muscly isn't for everyone, building muscle tone and strength has many benefits everyone could enjoy. You can improve your self-esteem, feel more confident, and strengthen your joints and lungs when you combine muscle building with cardio workouts. Your muscle building goals should be difficult but attainable. It takes time to achieve the muscle growth you want. You may have to work out for months or years to achieve your goals. Attempting to quickly build muscle by using steroids, stimulants, or other bad substances can harm your body and possibly cause serious health consequences. Do squats the smart way. Keep the bar low on the back at a point near the traps center. This technique puts extra pressure on muscles related to your hips, as well as your hips themselves, allowing you to squat more weight than you ordinarily would be able to squat. Be sure you set some realistic goals for yourself. While ambitious weight lifting goals may inspire you, be careful to not hurt yourself.